Fitting Generalized Linear Models for Multivariate Abundance Data
is used to fit generalized linear models to high-dimensional data, such as multivariate abundance data in ecology. This is the base model-fitting function - see plot.manyglm
for assumption checking, and anova.manyglm
or summary.manyglm
for significance testing.
manyglm(formula, family="negative.binomial", composition=FALSE, data=NULL, subset=NULL,
na.action=options("na.action"), K=1, theta.method = "PHI", model = FALSE,
x = TRUE, y = TRUE, qr = TRUE, cor.type= "I", shrink.param=NULL,
tol=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), maxiter=25, maxiter2=10,
show.coef=FALSE, show.fitted=FALSE, show.residuals=FALSE,
show.warning=FALSE, offset, ... )
- formula
an object of class
(or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. The details of model specification are given under Details.- family
a description of the distribution function to be used in the in the model. The default is negative binomial regression (using a log link, with unknown overdispersion parameter), the following family functions are also accepted: binomial(), binomial(link="cloglog"), poisson(), Gamma(link="log"), which can also be specified using character strings as 'binomial', 'cloglog' and 'poisson', 'gamma' respectively. In future we hope to include other family functions as described in
.- data
an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by
to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found indata
, the variables are taken fromenvironment(formula)
, typically the environment from whichglm
is called.- composition
(default) will model abundance,TRUE
will model relative abundance, by adding a row effect to the model, and partition effects of environmental variables into main effects (alpha, total abundance/richness) and interactions with response (beta, relative abundance/turnover). Seedetails
.- subset
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used in the fitting process.
- na.action
a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain
s. The default is set by thena.action
setting ofoptions
, and
if that is unset. The ‘factory-fresh’ default isna.omit
. Another possible value isNULL
, no action. Valuena.exclude
can be useful.- K
number of trials in binomial regression. By default, K=1 for presence-absence data using logistic regression.
- theta.method
the method used for the estimation of the overdisperson parameter theta, such that the mean-variance relationship is V=m+m^2/theta for the negative binomial family. Here offers three options
"PHI" = Maximum likelihood estimation with respect to phi (default)
"ML" = Maximum likelihood estimation with respect to theta, as in Lawless(1987), the default for the gamma family.
"Chi2" = Moment estimation using chi-square dampening on the log scale, as in Hilbe(2008). "MM" = Moment estimation for gamma family.- model, x, y, qr
logicals. If
the corresponding components of the fit (the model frame, the model matrix, the model matrix, the response, the QR decomposition of the model matrix) are returned.- cor.type
the structure imposed on the estimated correlation matrix under the fitted model. Can be "I"(default), "shrink", or "R". See Details. This parameter is merely stored in
, and will be used as the default value forcor.type
in subsequent functions for inference.- shrink.param
shrinkage parameter to be used if
. If a numerical value is not supplied, it will be estimated from the data by cross validation-penalised normal likelihood as in Warton (2008). The parameter value is stored as an attribute of themanyglm
object, and will be used in subsequent functions for inference.- tol
the tolerance used in estimation.
- maxiter
maximum allowed iterations in the weighted least square estimation of beta. The default value is 25.
- maxiter2
maximum allowed iterations in the internal ML estimations of negative binomial regression. The default value is 10.
- show.coef, show.fitted, show.residuals, show.warning
logical. Whether to show model coefficients, fitted values, standardized pearson residuals, or operation warnings.
- offset
this can be used to specify an _a priori_ known component to be included in the linear predictor during fitting. This should be 'NULL' or a numeric vector of length equal to NROW (i.e. number of observations) or a matrix of NROW times p (i.e. number of species).
- ...
further arguments passed to or from other methods.
is used to calculate the parameter estimates of generalised linear models fitted to each of many variables simultaneously as in Warton et. al. (2012) and Wang Models for manyglm
are specified symbolically. For details on how to specify a formula see the details section of lm
and formula
Generalised linear models are designed for non-normal data for which a distribution can be specified that offers a reasonable model for data, as specified using the argument family
. The manyglm
function currently handles count and binary data, and accepts either a character argument or a family argument for common choices of family. For binary (presence/absence) data, family=binomial()
can be used for logistic regression (logit link, "logistic regression"), or the complementary log-log link can be used family=binomial("cloglog")
, arguably a better choice for presence-absence data. Poisson regression family=poisson()
can be used for counts that are not "overdispersed" (that is, if the variance is not larger than the mean), although for multivariate abundance data it has been shown that the negative binomial distribution (family="negative.binomial"
) is usually a better choice (Warton 2005). In both cases, a log-link is used. If another link function or family is desired, this can be specified using the manyany
function, which accepts regular family
allows relative abundance to be modelled rather than absolute abundance, which is useful for partitioning effects of environmental variables on alpha vs beta diversity, and is needed if there is variation in sampling intensity due to variables that haven't been measured. Data are manipulated into "long format", with column factor called cols
and row variable called rows
, then a model is fitted using main effects for predictors as in the provided formula, plus rows
, cols
and the interaction of predictors with cols
. Inclusion of rows
in the model accounts for variation in sampling intensity across rows, main effects for environmental variables capture their effects on total abundance/richness (alpha diversity), and their interaction with cols
captures changes in relative abundance/turnover (beta diversity). Unfortunately, data are not efficiently stored in long format, so models are slower to fit using composition=TRUE
In negative binomial regression, the overdispersion parameter (theta
) is estimated separately for each variable from the data, as controlled by theta.method
for negative binomial distributions. We iterate between updates of theta
and generalised linear model updates for regression parameters, as many as maxiter2
is the structure imposed on the estimated correlation
matrix under the fitted model. Possible values are: "I"
(default) = independence is assumed (correlation matrix is the identity) "shrink"
= sample correlation matrix is shrunk towards I to improve its stability. "R"
= unstructured correlation matrix is used. (Only available when N>p.)
If cor.type=="shrink"
, a numerical value will be assigned to shrink.param
either through the argument or by internal estimation. The working horse function for the internal estimation is ridgeParamEst
, which is based on cross-validation (Warton 2008). The validation groups are chosen by random assignment, so some slight variation in the estimated values may be observed in repeat analyses. See ridgeParamEst
for more details. The shrinkage parameter can be any value between 0 and 1 (0="I" and 1="R", values closer towards 0 indicate more shrinkage towards "I").
returns an object inheriting from "manyglm"
and "mglm".
The function summary
(i.e. summary.manyglm
) can be used to obtain or print a summary of the results and the function
(i.e. anova.manyglm
) to produce an
analysis of variance table, although note that these functions use resampling so they can take a while to fit.
The generic accessor functions coefficients
and residuals
can be used to
extract various useful features of the value returned by manyglm
An object of class "manyglm"
is a list containing at least the
following components:
- coefficients
a named matrix of coefficients.
- var.coefficients
the estimated variances of each coefficient.
- fitted.values
the matrix of fitted mean values, obtained by transforming the linear predictors by the inverse of the link function.
- linear.predictor
the linear fit on the scale of the linear predictor.
- residuals
the matrix of working residuals, that is the Pearson residuals standardized by the leverage adjustment h obtained from the diagonal elements of the hat matrix H.
- PIT.residuals
probability integral transform (PIT) residuals - for a model that fits well these should be approximately standard uniform values evenly scattered between 0 and 1. Their calculation involves some randomisation, so different fits will return slightly different values for PIT residuals.
- sqrt.1_Hii
the matrix of scale terms used to standardize the Pearson reidusals.
- var.estimator
the estimated variance of each observation, computed using the corresponding family function.
- sqrt.weight
the matrix of square root of working weights, estimated for the corresponding family function.
- theta
the estimated nuisance parameters accounting for overdispersion
- two.loglike
two times the log likelihood.
- deviance
up to a constant, minus twice the maximized log-likelihood. Where sensible, the constant is chosen so that a saturated model has deviance zero.
- iter
the number of iterations of IWLS used.
- data
a data frame storing the input data.
- stderr.coefficients
the estimated standard error of each coefficient.
- phi
the inverse of theta
- tol
the tolerance used in estimations.
- maxiter,maxiter2,family,theta.method,cor.type,formula
arguments supplied in the
call.- aic
a vector returning Akaike's An Information Criterion for each response variable - minus twice the maximized log-likelihood plus twice the number of coefficients.
- AICsum
the sum of the AIC's over all variables.
- shrink.param
the shrink parameter to be used in subsequent inference.
- call
the matched call.
- terms
object used.- rank
the numeric rank of the fitted linear model.
- xlevels
(where relevant) a record of the levels of the factors used in fitting.
- df.residual
the residual degrees of freedom.
- x
if the argument
, this is the design matrix used.- y
if the argument
, this is the response variables used.- model
if the argument
, this is themodel.frame
.- qr
if the argument
, this is the QR decomposition of the design matrix.- show.coef,show.fitted,show.residuals
arguments supplied in the
call concerning what it presented in output.- offset
data used (where applicable).
Lawless, J. F. (1987) Negative binomial and mixed Poisson regression, Canadian Journal of Statistics 15, 209-225.
Hilbe, J. M. (2008) Negative Binomial Regression, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Warton D.I. (2005) Many zeros does not mean zero inflation: comparing the goodness of-fit of parametric models to multivariate abundance data, Environmetrics 16(3), 275-289.
Warton D.I. (2008). Penalized normal likelihood and ridge regularization of correlation and covariance matrices. Journal of the American Statistical Association 103, 340-349.
Warton D.I. (2011). Regularized sandwich estimators for analysis of high dimensional data using generalized estimating equations. Biometrics, 67(1), 116-123.
Warton D. I., Wright S., and Wang, Y. (2012). Distance-based multivariate analyses confound location and dispersion effects. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3(1), 89-101.
Wang Y., Neuman U., Wright S. and Warton D. I. (2012). mvabund: an R package for model-based analysis of multivariate abundance data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. online 21 Feb 2012.
spiddat <- mvabund(spider$abund)
X <- as.matrix(spider$x)
#To fit a log-linear model assuming counts are poisson:
glm.spid <- manyglm(spiddat~X, family="poisson")
#> Call: manyglm(formula = spiddat ~ X, family = "poisson")
#> [1] "poisson"
#> Degrees of Freedom: 27 Total (i.e. Null); 21 Residual
#> Alopacce Alopcune Alopfabr Arctlute Arctperi Auloalbi
#> 2*log-likelihood: -100.596 -158.960 -79.169 -48.981 -26.339 -83.547
#> Residual Deviance: 37.034 96.894 39.471 29.146 5.781 37.204
#> AIC: 114.596 172.960 93.169 62.981 40.339 97.547
#> Pardlugu Pardmont Pardnigr Pardpull Trocterr Zoraspin
#> 2*log-likelihood: -84.014 -276.075 -208.508 -164.826 -305.495 -136.706
#> Residual Deviance: 31.778 190.879 146.200 99.834 183.862 73.667
#> AIC: 98.014 290.075 222.508 178.826 319.495 150.706
summary(glm.spid, resamp="residual")
#> Test statistics:
#> wald value Pr(>wald)
#> (Intercept) 17.941 0.001 ***
#> Xsoil.dry 20.142 0.001 ***
#> Xbare.sand 8.057 0.072 .
#> Xfallen.leaves 11.414 0.008 **
#> Xmoss 13.831 0.002 **
#> Xherb.layer 17.671 0.001 ***
#> Xreflection 12.519 0.004 **
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> Test statistic: 51.38, p-value: 0.001
#> Arguments:
#> Test statistics calculated assuming response assumed to be uncorrelated
#> P-value calculated using 999 resampling iterations via residual resampling (to account for correlation in testing).
#To fit a binomial regression model to presence/absence data:
pres.abs <- spiddat
pres.abs[pres.abs>0] = 1
Xdf <- data.frame(spider$x) #turn into a data frame to refer to variables in formula
glm.spid.bin <- manyglm(pres.abs~soil.dry+bare.sand+moss, data=Xdf, family="binomial")
#> Call: manyglm(formula = pres.abs ~ soil.dry + bare.sand + moss, family = "binomial", data = Xdf)
#> [1] "binomial(link=logit)"
#> Degrees of Freedom: 27 Total (i.e. Null); 24 Residual
#> Alopacce Alopcune Alopfabr Arctlute Arctperi Auloalbi
#> 2*log-likelihood: -20.102 -21.201 -13.191 -23.457 -0.004 -34.568
#> Residual Deviance: 20.102 21.201 13.191 23.457 0.004 34.568
#> AIC: 28.102 29.201 21.191 31.457 8.004 42.568
#> Pardlugu Pardmont Pardnigr Pardpull Trocterr Zoraspin
#> 2*log-likelihood: -13.839 -22.618 -31.817 -24.109 -8.669 -16.368
#> Residual Deviance: 13.839 22.618 31.817 24.109 8.669 16.368
#> AIC: 21.839 30.618 39.817 32.109 16.669 24.368
drop1(glm.spid.bin) #AICs for one-term deletions, suggests dropping bare.sand
#> Single term deletions
#> Model:
#> pres.abs ~ soil.dry + bare.sand + moss
#> Df AIC
#> <none> 325.94
#> soil.dry 12 333.27
#> bare.sand 12 318.90
#> moss 12 333.26
glm2.spid.bin <- manyglm(pres.abs~soil.dry+moss, data=Xdf, family="binomial")
drop1(glm2.spid.bin) #backward elimination suggests settling on this model.
#> Single term deletions
#> Model:
#> pres.abs ~ soil.dry + moss
#> Df AIC
#> <none> 318.90
#> soil.dry 12 367.47
#> moss 12 324.42