Ant data, with species traits
Abundances of 41 epigaeic ant species across 30 sites in south-eastern Australia, with species trait and environmental data
A list containing three elements:
- abund
A data frame with observations at 30 different locations of abundances of 41 epigaeic ant species.
- env
A data frame containing 7 environmental variables from transects at each of the 30 sites:
- Bare.ground
Percent cover of bare ground, as estimated from ten 1x1 metre quadrats
- Canopy.cover
Percent canopy cover, as estimated from two 20x20m transects
- Shrub.cover
Percent canopy cover, as estimated from two 20x20m transects
- Volume.lying.CWD
Estimated volume of Coarse Woody Debris in two 20x20m transects, including all debris >5cm diameter.
- Feral.mammal.dung
Proportion of quadrats including mammal dung, out of ten 1x1m quadrats.
- traits
A data frame containing 5 species traits measured for each of the 41 species. Weber's length was log-transformed, Femur length was log-transformed then regressed against log(Weber's length), to remove the effect of size.
- Femur.length
Residuals from regression of log(Femur length) against log(Weber's length)
- No.spines
Number of spines on propodeum and petioles, as an integer value
- Pilosity
A factor with four levels of pilosity, 0 = No or very few hairs; 1 = a sparse but regular covering of hairs; 2 = a consistent, moderate covering of hair; 3 = very dense hair covering
- Polymorphism
0 = Monomorphic, 1 = polymorphic, 2 = dimorphic
- Webers.length
log transformed. Body length, measured as the distance from the anterodorsal margin of the pronotum to the posteroventral margin of the propodeum