ANOVA for Linear Model Fits for Multivariate Abundance Data
method for class "manylm" - computes an analysis of variance
table for one or more linear model fits to high-dimensional data, such as
multivariate abundance data in ecology.
# S3 method for manylm
anova(object, ..., resamp="perm.resid", test="F", p.uni="none",
nBoot=999, cor.type=object$cor.type,
block=NULL, shrink.param=object$shrink.param,
studentize=TRUE, calc.rss = FALSE, tol=1.0e-10, rep.seed=FALSE, bootID=NULL )
# S3 method for anova.manylm
x, digits = max(getOption("digits") - 3, 3),
signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
dig.tst = max(1, min(5, digits - 1)),
eps.Pvalue = .Machine$double.eps, ...)
- object
object of class
, usually, a result of a call tomanylm
.- ...
for the
method, these are optional further objects of classmanylm
, which are usually a result of a call tomanylm
. for theprint.anova.manylm
method these are optional further arguments passed to or from other methods.- nBoot
the number of iterations in resampling. Default is 999 for P-values as fractions out of 1000.
- resamp
the method of resampling used. Can be one of "perm.resid" (default), "residual", "score", "case". See Details.
- test
the test to be used. Possible values are:
= likelihood ratio statistic,"F"
= Lawley-Hotelling trace statistic orNULL
for no test.- cor.type
structure imposed on the estimated correlation matrix under the fitted model. Can be "I"(default), "shrink", or "R". See Details.
- block
A factor specifying the sampling level to be resampled. Default is resampling rows.
- shrink.param
shrinkage parameter to be used if
. If not supplied, but needed, it will be estimated by estimated from the data by Cross Validation using the normal likelihood as in Warton (2008).- p.uni
whether to calculate univariate test statistics and their P-values, and if so, what type.
"none" = no univariate P-values (default)
"unadjusted" = A test statistic and (ordinary unadjusted) P-value is reported for each response variable.
"adjusted" = Univariate P-values are adjusted for multiple testing, using a step-down resampling procedure.- studentize
logical. Whether studentized residuals should be used to simulate the data in the resampling steps. This option is not used in case resampling.
- calc.rss
logical. Whether the Residual Sum of Squares should be calculated.
- tol
the sensitivity in calculations near 0.
- rep.seed
logical. Whether to fix random seed in resampling data. Useful for simulation or diagnostic purposes.
- bootID
an integer matrix where each row specifies bootstrap id's in each resampling run. When
is supplied,nBoot
is set to the number of rows inbootID
. Default isNULL
.- x
an object of class
, usually, a result of a call toanova.manylm
.- digits
the number of significant digits to use when printing.
- signif.stars
logical. If
, ‘significance stars’ are printed for each coefficient.- dig.tst
the number of digits to round the estimates of the model parameters.
- eps.Pvalue
a numerical tolerance for the formatting of p values.
The anova.manylm
function returns a table summarising the statistical significance of a fitted manylm model, or of the differences between several nested models fitted to the same dataset. If one model is specified, sequential test statistics (and P values) are returned for that fit. If more than one object is specified, the table contains test statistics (and P values) comparing their fits.
The test statistics are determined by the argument test
, and the P-values are calculated by resampling rows of the data using a method determined by the argument resamp
. The four possible resampling methods are residual-permutation (Anderson and Robinson (2001)), score resampling (Wu (1986)), case and residual resampling (Davison and Hinkley (1997, chapter 6)), and involve resampling under the null hypothesis (except for case resampling). These methods ensure approximately valid inference even when the correlation between variables has been misspecified, and for case and score resampling, even when the equal variance assumption of linear models is invalid. By default, studentised residuals (r_i/sqrt(1-h_ii)) are used in residual and score resampling, although raw residuals could be used via the argument studentize=FALSE
If resamp="none"
, p-values cannot be calculated, however the test statistics are returned.
If you do not have a specific hypothesis of primary interest that you want to test, and are instead interested in which model terms are statistically significant, then the summary.manylm
function is more appropriate.
More than one object should only be specified when the models are nested. In this case the ANOVA table has a column for the residual degrees of freedom and a column for change in degrees of freedom. It is conventional to list the models from smallest to largest, but this is up to the user.
To check model assumptions, use plot.manylm
The anova.manylm
function is designed specifically for high-dimensional data (that, is when the number of variables p is not small compared to the number of observations N). In such instances a correlation matrix is computationally intensive to estimate and is numerically unstable, so by default the test statistic is calculated assuming independence of variables (cor.type="I"
). Note however that the resampling scheme used ensures that the P-values are approximately correct even when the independence assumption is not satisfied. However if it is computationally feasible for your dataset, it is recommended that you use cor.type="shrink"
to account for correlation between variables, or cor.type="R"
when p is small. The cor.type="R"
option uses the unstructured correlation matrix (only possible when N>p), such that the standard classical multivariate test statistics are obtained. Note however that such statistics are typically numerically unstable and have low power when p is not small compared to N. The cor.type="shrink"
option applies ridge regularisation (Warton 2008), shrinking the sample correlation matrix towards the identity, which improves its stability when p is not small compared to N. This provides a compromise between "R"
and "I"
, allowing us to account for
correlation between variables, while using a numerically stable test statistic that has good properties. The shrinkage parameter by default is estimated by cross-validation using the multivariate normal likelihood function, although it can be specified via shrink.param
as any value between 0 and 1 (0="I" and 1="R", values closer towards 0 indicate more shrinkage towards "I"). The validation groups are chosen by random assignment and so you may observe some slight variation in the estimated shrinkage parameter in repeat analyses.
See ridgeParamEst
for more details.
Rather than stopping after testing for multivariate effects, it is often of interest to find out which response variables express significant effects. Univariate statistics are required to answer this question, and these are reported if requested. Setting p.uni="unadjusted"
returns the resampling-based univariate ANOVA P-values as well as the multivariate P-values, whereas p.uni="adjusted"
returns adjusted ANOVA P-values (that have been adjusted for
multiple testing), calculated using a step-down resampling algorithm as in Westfall & Young (1993, Algorithm 2.8). This method provides strong control of family-wise error rates, and makes use of resampling (using the method controlled by resampling
) to ensure inferences take into account correlation between variables.
An object of class "anova.manylm"
. A list containing at least:
- p.uni
the supplied argument.
- test
the supplied argument.
- cor.type
the supplied argument.
- resample
the supplied argument.
- nBoot
the supplied argument.
- calc.rss
the supplied argument.
- table
the data frame containing the anova table.
- shrink.param
the supplied argument.
- n.bootsdone
the number of bootstrapping iterations that were done, i.e. had no error.
- n.iter.sing
the number of bootstrap iterations where the resampled design matrix was singular and could only be used partly.
- one
logical. whether the anova table was calculated for one
object or for severalmanylm
If p.uni="adjusted"
or p.uni="unadjusted"
the output list also
- uni.test
a table showing the test statistics of the univariate tests
- uni.p
a table showing the p-values of the univariate tests
The print method for anova.manylm
objects prints the output in a
‘pretty’ form.
Anderson, M.J. and J. Robinson (2001). Permutation tests for linear models. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics 43, 75-88.
Davison, A. C. and Hinkley, D. V. (1997) Bootstrap Methods and their Application. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Warton D.I. (2008). Penalized normal likelihood and ridge regularization of correlation and covariance matrices. Journal of the American Statistical Association 103, 340-349.
Warton D.I. and Hudson H.M. (2004). A MANOVA statistic is just as powerful as distance-based statistics, for multivariate abundances. Ecology 85(3), 858-874.
Westfall, P. H. and Young, S. S. (1993) Resampling-based multiple testing. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Wu, C. F. J. (1986) Jackknife, Bootstrap and Other Resampling Methods in Regression Analysis. The Annals of Statistics 14:4, 1261-1295.
## Load the spider dataset:
spiddat <- log(spider$abund+1)
spiddat <- mvabund(spiddat)
spidx <- as.matrix(spider$x)
## Fit several multivariate linear models:
fit <- manylm( spiddat ~ spidx ) # model with all explanatory variables
## Use the default residual resampling to test the significance of this model:
## return summary of the manylm model
#> Analysis of Variance Table
#> Model: manylm(formula = spiddat ~ spidx)
#> Overall test for all response variables
#> Test statistics:
#> Res.Df Df.diff val(F) Pr(>F)
#> (Intercept) 27
#> spidx 21 6 124.7 0.002 **
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> Arguments:
#> Test statistics calculated assuming uncorrelated response (for faster computation)
#> P-value calculated using 999 iterations via residual (without replacement) resampling.
## intercept model
fit0 <- manylm(spiddat ~ 1)
## include soil and leaf variables
fit1 <- update(fit0, . ~ . + spidx[, c(1, 3)])
## include moss variables
fit2 <- update(fit1, . ~ . + spidx[, 4])
## Use (residual) resampling to test the significance of these models,
## accounting for correlation between variables by shrinking
## the correlation matrix to improve its stability:
anova(fit, fit0, fit1, fit2, cor.type="shrink")
#> Analysis of Variance Table
#> fit0: spiddat ~ 1
#> fit1: spiddat ~ spidx[, c(1, 3)]
#> fit2: spiddat ~ spidx[, c(1, 3)] + spidx[, 4]
#> fit: spiddat ~ spidx
#> Overall test for all response variables
#> Test statistics:
#> Res.Df Df.diff val(F) Pr(>F)
#> fit0 27
#> fit1 25 2 233.06 0.002 **
#> fit2 24 1 40.74 0.016 *
#> fit 21 3 22.61 0.043 *
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> Arguments:
#> Test statistics calculated assuming correlated response via ridge regularization with ridge parameter 0.358
#> P-value calculated using 999 iterations via residual (without replacement) resampling.
## Use the sum of F statistics to estimate multivariate significance from
## 4999 resamples, and also reporting univariate statistics with
## adjusted P-values:
anova(fit, fit0, fit1, fit2, nBoot=4999, test="F", p.uni="adjust")
#> Analysis of Variance Table
#> fit0: spiddat ~ 1
#> fit1: spiddat ~ spidx[, c(1, 3)]
#> fit2: spiddat ~ spidx[, c(1, 3)] + spidx[, 4]
#> fit: spiddat ~ spidx
#> Overall test for all response variables
#> Test statistics:
#> Res.Df Df.diff val(F) Pr(>F)
#> fit0 27
#> fit1 25 2 253.06 0.0004 ***
#> fit2 24 1 44.33 0.0100 **
#> fit 21 3 23.49 0.0462 *
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> Univariate Tests
#> Test statistics:
#> Alopacce Alopcune Alopfabr Arctlute Arctperi
#> F value Pr(>F) F value Pr(>F) F value Pr(>F) F value Pr(>F) F value
#> fit0
#> fit1 27.921 0.0004 9.204 0.0026 39.04 0.0004 8.781 0.0026 21.853
#> fit2 1.56 0.7470 0.564 0.7470 0.312 0.7470 0.87 0.7470 1.113
#> fit 3.377 0.3046 1.257 0.7792 2.558 0.4678 0.945 0.8600 2.006
#> Auloalbi Pardlugu Pardmont Pardnigr
#> Pr(>F) F value Pr(>F) F value Pr(>F) F value Pr(>F) F value Pr(>F)
#> fit0
#> fit1 0.0006 11.492 0.0014 19.024 0.0006 16.408 0.0006 21.359 0.0006
#> fit2 0.7470 3.416 0.4344 2.738 0.5290 11.386 0.0272 7.98 0.0790
#> fit 0.5930 1.819 0.5930 2.971 0.3864 0.841 0.8600 0.74 0.8600
#> Pardpull Trocterr Zoraspin
#> F value Pr(>F) F value Pr(>F) F value Pr(>F)
#> fit0
#> fit1 32.306 0.0004 31.906 0.0004 13.764 0.0012
#> fit2 1.343 0.7470 8.789 0.0640 4.262 0.3360
#> fit 0.903 0.8600 2.045 0.5930 4.027 0.2062
#> Arguments: with 4999 resampling iterations using residual (without replacement) resampling and uncorrelated response (for faster computation)