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Whale-come! This R package was inspired by cowsay and praise. I hope this package made you smile today!

First things first

ohwhaley is a toy project and is still under development. You can install the latest version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")

Take it for a spin

ohwhaley contains one function only. say() will echo a randomly chosen whale-themed phrase for your enjoyment.

#>             ------ 
#>            Everything whale be alright! 
#>             ------ 
#>                \   
#>                 \  
#>                  \
#>      .-'
#> '--./ /     _.---.
#> '-,  (__..-`       \
#>    \          .     |
#>     `,.__.   ,__.--/
#>      '._/_.'___.-`

Alternatively, you can supply your own phrase

say("I'm beached as bro!!!")
#>             ------ 
#>            I'm beached as bro!!! 
#>             ------ 
#>                \   
#>                 \  
#>                  \
#>      .-'
#> '--./ /     _.---.
#> '-,  (__..-`       \
#>    \          .     |
#>     `,.__.   ,__.--/
#>      '._/_.'___.-`